- Radiovisiography (RVG) is the latest imaging technique in dentistry with the minimal radiation exposure of the patient and the generated image is available immediately for evaluation on a computer screen and can be manipulated digitally to enhance viewing.
- Radiographs(X-RAYS) provide unique information about the status of the periodontium and a permanent record of the condition of the bone throughout the course of the disease.
- Radiographs aid the clinician in identifying the extent of destruction of alveolar bone, local contributing factors, and features of the periodontium that influence the prognosis of the disease.
- It eliminates the need for film and film developing, and it allows for lower radiation exposure. In addition, digital tools are available to record electronic measurements and to cut, paste and colorize the image.
- The image can be easily filed on and retrieved from the hard disk or removable storage medium, or the images can be transferred electronically to third party carriers
- During implant placement, using conventional radiography is a major inconvenience, as the entire aseptic procedure is disrupted and time is wasted while the clinician awaits the development of the films several times during implant placement procedure.
- It also allows the clinician to change contrast, enlarge images, place color enhancements or superimpose various textures on images
- It has superior image recording capabilities compared to conventional radiographs which helps us to provide u best treatment.