Teeth Extraction in Gurgaon
Tooth extraction is a procedure to remove a tooth from its socket.
Simple extractions are performed on teeth that are visible in the mouth, usually under local anesthetic, and require only the use of instruments to elevate and/or grasp the visible portion of the tooth.

Surgical extractions involve the removal of teeth that cannot be easily accessed, either because they have broken under the gum line or because they have not erupted fully. Frequently, the tooth may be split into multiple pieces to facilitate its removal. A simple extraction removes a tooth that has erupted into the mouth without cutting into the gum.
A surgical extraction removes a tooth through the gum and possibly through the jawbone. The most common reason for tooth extraction is removing seriously damaged teeth (e.g., excessive tooth decay, fractured or broken teeth). The procedure may also be used when a tooth cannot erupt fully (e.g., impacted tooth), to reduce dental crowding or the risk of infection and to prepare for a complete denture or radiation therapy. Some teeth are extracted because they are severely decayed, others may have advanced periodontal disease ("gum disease"), or else have broken in a fashion which cannot be repaired. Other teeth may need removal because they are poorly positioned in the mouth (such as impacted wisdom teeth), or else in preparation for orthodontic treatment ("braces")When a tooth is missing its neighboring teeth will tend to shift, sometimes significantly, which in turn can have a major impact on your dental health. Even the removal of a single tooth can lead to problems related to your chewing ability, problems with your jaw joint, and predispose the teeth that have shifted to problems also.
To avoid these complications we recommend that you replace the tooth that has been extracted. The shape of the modern human mouth is often too small to accommodate wisdom teeth which make their first appearance in young adults 17 to 26. The late teens to early twenties is the best time to remove wisdom teeth.
Our Painless Wisdom teeth extraction procedure in Gurgaon with modern equipment and in a safe hygienic environment. Get Teeth Extraction in Gurgaon such as wisdom tooth by our oral surgeon at affordable cost at our Dental Clinic in South City 1 Gurugram.Generally most of the wisdom teeth are impacted (embedded fully or partially within the bone) and requires a surgical extraction. Since it is the last tooth to erupt,( at the age of 18-25 years, in most of the people there is lack of apace for then to erupt. As a result, wisdom teeth may erupt sideways, only partially or become impacted (rapped). Leading to pain, infection, swelling, reduced mouth opening & soreness of throat.
- So, in that situation wisdom tooth/iii molar is advised to go for extraction.
- Time taken is single visit.
- This procedure is performed by oral surgeons at under strict sterilization conditions.
Though the priority is always to save the tooth but sometimes if the tooth is not in a condition to be saved, it is advised for extraction and then replacement afterwards. It is removal of totally decayed tooth or removal of wisdom tooth.

Despite the reduction in worldwide prevalence of dental caries. Severe tooth decay or caries with infection acute or chronic alveolar abscess) is still the most common reason for extraction.
- Severe gum disease commonly known as Pyorrhea which may affect the supporting tissues and bony structures of teeth.
- Extra teeth, known as Supernumerary teeth which are blocking other erupting teeth.
- In preparation for orthodontic treatment (braces)
- After trauma, teeth in the fracture line.
- Fractured or broken teeth.
- Teeth detrimental to fit or appearance of dentures.
- Insufficient space for wisdom teeth(impacted third molars). When your wisdom teeth are not erupting or partly erupting & giving pain or discomfort in the jaws.
- Cosmetic reason; teeth with poor appearance, structurally week and unsuitable for restoration
- Receiving radiation to the head and neck may require extraction of teeth in the field of radiation.
- Deliberate, medically unnecessary, extraction as a particularly dreadful form of physical torture.
- To Control Bleeding, bite firmly the gauze pack over the surgical area for, at least, 30 to 45 minutes; then discard it gently.
- Some blood will ooze from the area of surgery for several hours and it is normal.
- Do not spit , or suck through a straw, since this will promote bleeding.
- To avoid pain, bleeding & swelling , place an ice pack or cold towel over the area from outside for about 5-6 hrs at home (no longer than 20 minutes at a time).
- Do Not Rub or touch the area with your tongue.
- Keep yourhead elevated on pillow while lying or sit in a chair with affected side raised.
- DO NOT SMOKE for 72 hours after surgery because this will cause bleeding, pain and it also interferes with healing. This is highly cancerous too.
- Take Cold liquids and a soft high protein diet initially after extraction.
- Eat a soft & Cold diet for the first 24 hours after tooth extraction.
- Drink a large volume of water and fruit juices to prevent dehydration.
- Do not drink through a straw because this may promote bleeding.
- Avoid hot food for the first 24 hours after surgery because this may promote bleeding, swelling & pain.
- Avoid hard & raw foods (that require excessive chewing) for 3-5 days.
- You can resume a normal diet (home food), the day after tooth removal.
- Some discomfort is normal after surgery. It can be controlled by taking the medication your dentist has prescribed and follow all the instructions how & when to take medicines as recommended.
- Start taking your pain pills before the numbing medication has worn off.
- Take your pain pill with an 8 oz. glass of water and/or after a small amount of food to prevent nausea.
- Over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications or Painkillers may be used for temporary pain relief. Take these as directed on the package and around the clock. Do not overdose these generic drugs:
- Swelling after surgery is a normal body reaction.
- Swelling reaches its maximum about 48 hours after surgery, and usually lasts 4-6 days.
- Applying ice packs over the area for the first 24 hours (no longer than 20 minutes at a time) helps to control swelling and make you feel more comfortable.
- External Heat is Not used. It increases swelling and Pain.
- You may experience some mild bruising in the area of your surgery.
- This is a normal response in some persons and should not be considered a cause for alarm.
- It will disappear in 7-14 days.
- If stitches were placed in area of your surgery, your dentist will tell you if and when they need to be removed(usually in about 1 week).
- Avoid tongue annoyance to close by Stiches
- Many times stitches are used which are self-dissolving (7-10 days) and do not require removal.
- You experience discomfort you cannot control with your pain pills.
- You have bleeding that you cannot control by biting on gauze.
- You have increased swelling after the third day following surgery.
- Keep Infection under control after Tooth Extraction with good oral hygiene & betadine gargles.
- The removal of teeth can allow germs in the mouth to enter the bloodstream and cause infections in other parts of your body. So take your medicines properly.
- If you have difficulty fighting off infections you may need to take higher antibiotics aftertooth extraction. This includes those who:
- Have had bacterial endocarditis, an infection of the lining of the heart.
- Were born with heart defects (Congenital Heart Disease).
- Have damaged or artificial heart valves.
- Have artificial joints, such as a hip replacement.
- Have diabetes or another disease that causes an impaired immune system.
- Take steroids for other conditions, such as Crohn's disease ( Intestinal Disorder) or asthma.